Bangkok Beer & Beverages Co., Ltd.

Yatagarasu Yoshino Monogatari Shiso

Yatagarasu Yoshino Monogatari Shiso
Kitaoka Honten
  • Brand: Kitaoka Honten
  • Prefecture: Nara
  • Type:
  • Rice:
  • Alcohol: 9%
  • Sake Meter Value (SMV): 0
  • Rice Polishing ratio: 100%
Serving Temperature:
list checkChill | Room Temperature | Slightly Warm | Warm
Product Details:

A liqueur that uses the fruit juice of red shiso from Kanagawa prefecture. Compared to the other fruit liqueurs within the series, there is very little fleshpulp which makes the re- freshing fragrance and clean taste characteristic to red shiso stand out even more. The clear ruby red of the shiso also adds to the refreshing feel of the item.

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